Robot servo jitters in 08m2 and not on 08m


New Member
I researched the issue on this forum and found several post, but no solution. What I doing in my code is: I am using an IR remote to control two procedures. One procedure is to simply use the channel and volume buttons to control the robot. This works. The other procedure is to make the robot follow a line. When the software begins, the servos are off. Pressing and holding the power button on the remote puts it in line following mode. releasing the power button, send it back to remote control with the IR remote. The problem I am having is that with the 08M the code works flawless. With the 08M2, the servos jitter. Attached is the code:
symbol CH_1 = 0
symbol CH_2 = 1
symbol POWER = 21
symbol KEY_UP = 16
symbol KEY_DOWN = 17
symbol KEY_LEFT = 18
symbol KEY_RIGHT = 19

 pause 10
 servo 1,OFF
 servo 2,OFF
 if b13 is POWER then FOLLOW

 select case b13
 	case KEY_UP
		servo 1,225		
		servo 2,75
		goto MAIN
	case KEY_DOWN
		servo 1,75		
		servo 2,225
		goto MAIN
	case KEY_LEFT
		servo 1,225
		servo 2,225
		goto MAIN
		servo 1,75
		servo 2,75
		goto MAIN 
 end select
 goto MAIN
 	readadc 4,b1
  	if b1 > 140 then right 'on average 135 is white, and 210 is black
  				     ' 140 works really well in bright rooms
	servo 2,OFF
	servopos 1,225
	pause 10
	goto MAIN
	servo 1,OFF	
	servopos 2,75
	pause 10
	goto MAIN
 goto MAIN


Technical Support
Staff member
When using servos you want to only use the 'servo' command once, at the start of the programn, and then use servopos everywhere else. Also avoid off, as that will also cause jitter.

So rewrite using servopos everywhere.
Also your pause within main is too short, make it at least 20 (servo pulse interval).