Please help with ds1302 RTC


I recently picked up a ds1302 RTC from ebay, I have been trying to interface it using a picaxe 18m2, but can find very little code examples of how to do so. The connections from the 18m2 to the RTC module are as follows:
Clock = c.0
Data = c.7
Reset = c.6

The closest I have gotten is finding this code for a ds1302 and a picaxe 08m, but not sure how to convert it properly for an 18m2.


      Test routine for DS1302 for Picaxe 08M.  tjl  Oct 24, 2007
   This program displays the time on the Picaxe terminal each 
   second.  (Set your Program Editor options to open the terminal
   window automatically after program download.)

   Time is maintained and set in the 24-hour format.
   Time is preset by changing reg values in the appropriate assignment
   section at the top of Main:  
   This is a diagnostic, and a rough translation of the code and 
   algorithms used in a C program.  It has not been optimized
   for the Picaxe. 

   This program uses 253 bytes of program memory out of the 256 available.
   Connect DS1302 as follows:
      leg 1:  +5 v
      leg 2:  crystal
      leg 3:  crystal
      leg 4:  ground
      leg 5:  08M leg 5
      leg 6:  08M leg 6
      leg 7:  08M leg 3
      leg 8:  open or supercap to ground

; DS1302 Opcodes

  symbol WriteCtrl     = %10001110
  symbol ReadSecs      = %10000001
  symbol WriteSecs     = %10000000
  symbol ReadMins      = %10000011
  symbol WriteMins     = %10000010
  symbol ReadHrs       = %10000101
  symbol WriteHrs      = %10000100
  symbol WriteTrickle  = %10010000
  symbol TrickleSet    = %10100101  
; DS1302 Connections

  symbol CLK = 4    ' leg 3 to DS1302 leg 7
  symbol IO  = 1    ' leg 6 to DS1302 leg 6
  symbol RST = 2    ' leg 5 to DS1302 leg 5
; Registers

  symbol Hours     = b0
  symbol Mins      = b1
  symbol Secs      = b2
  symbol PrevSecs  = b3
  symbol Command   = b4
  symbol Data1302  = b5
  symbol ShiftData = b6

; Preset time here using BCD format.
; As shown, this presets the time to 12:34:56

  Hours = $12
  Mins  = $34
  Secs  = $56

  PrevSecs = 0
  low CLK
  ; Init 1302
  Command = WriteCtrl        ' clear write protect
  Data1302 = 0
  gosub Send1302Cmd
  Command = WriteTrickle	  ' turn on the supercap trickle charger
  Data1302 = TrickleSet
  gosub Send1302Cmd
  Hours = Hours & %00111111  ' set 24-hour format, set hours
  Command = WriteHrs
  Data1302 = Hours
  gosub Send1302Cmd
  Command = WriteMins        ' set minutes
  Data1302 = Mins
  gosub Send1302Cmd
  Secs = Secs & %01111111    ' set CH bit to zero and set secs
  Command = WriteSecs
  Data1302 = Secs
  gosub Send1302Cmd
  do                         ' wait for Secs to change
    Command = ReadSecs
    gosub Get1302Data
    if Data1302 <> PrevSecs then   ' when secs change, get and show time.
      Secs = Data1302
      PrevSecs = Secs
      gosub GetTime


  ' Sends Command, then sends Data1302
  dirs = %00010110  
  high RST
  ShiftData = Command
  gosub Shiftout
  ShiftData = Data1302
  gosub Shiftout
  low RST



  ' First sends Command, then reads 1302 result to Data1302
  dirs = %00010110
  high RST

  ShiftData = Command
  gosub Shiftout

  dirs = %00010100
  gosub Shiftin
  low RST

  ;  Shift data to 1302, LSB first

  for b13 = 1 to 8
    b12 = ShiftData % 2
    if b12 = 1 then
      high IO
      low IO
    pulsout CLK,1		 ' 10 uSec pulse on CLK
    ShiftDAta = ShiftData / 2



  ;  Shifts data into Data1302 LSB first
  ;  This call always follows a shiftout op, so the first bit of 
  ;  the response is present on the IO pin at call.  It only takes
  ;  seven clock pulses to shift in the rest of the data byte

  ' note that this won't read the most significat bit.  but when
  ' reading the DS1302, it never has to. 
  for b13 = 1 to 7
    b12 = pin1 * 128
    Data1302 = Data1302 + b12
    Data1302 = Data1302 / 2   
    pulsout CLK,1               ' 10 uSec pulse on CLK strobes in next data bit  



  ' Get Hours, Mins, Secs, convert to ASCII, send to Picaxe terminal
  Command = ReadHrs
  gosub Get1302Data
  Hours = Data1302 & %00111111
  bcdtoascii Hours,b12,b13
  Command = ReadMins
  gosub Get1302Data
  bcdtoascii Data1302,b12,b13
  Command = ReadSecs
  gosub Get1302Data
  bcdtoascii Data1302,b12,b13

Any help really appreciated!


I did find that but he had a lot of extra code on there which I failed to make sense of, just wondering if anyone had an example of the code for a ds1302 and 18m2, to give me something to work from.