How to stop cats peeing on your car...

Jeff Haas

Senior Member
Already solved and sold as a commercial product!

I've had these for years, they work to scare the cats away from using your lawn as their litter box. Leave it out for a few nights, the cats learn to be very, very scared of your lawn. Also very amusing during the daytime when a squirrel sets it off.


Well-known member
The "scarecrow" motion water squirter is not near as funny as that video, but it does work on all animals. I use 2 of them on my garden. The deer and raccoons run from the sound before they get hit with water!


Senior Member
Already solved and sold as a commercial product!
Life would be boring if we only bought commercial products when we could hack our cars and alarm systems to make something much more expensive.... we'd have missed Craig Turner's results which are much more impressive than Nixalite's ;)

best regards,