LCD bargraph - analog simulation


Senior Member
Howdy All,

Here's a code snippet that uses custom characters to create a bar graph who's length is proportional to an input variable. This example uses a 2x16 display, so I've got the analog bar on line one and the input variable in digits on line two.

Since the lcd characters are created in a 5x8 matrix, there are 80 segments that make up the full scale bar. Unfortunately, the characters on a typical display are about one segment pitch spaced apart, so the bar is broken up by these spaces. I don't think there is anything to be done about that. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.

For my example, I use a touch input to get a variable to display. By pressing the touch pad gently to firmly I can get a reading from whatever the noise floor is to full scale. Noise is lowest by unplugging the programming cable FYI.

This was programmed on an 18M2, and the display is connected in four bit mode. Have fun.


#rem    6/2/11
This bit of code displays individual segments as an analog display


'* Pin Assignments  **************************************

	'LCD pin  6 = SE = c.6 = pin 15 MPU
	'LCD pin  4 = RS = c.7 = pin 16 MPU

	'LCD pin 11 = D4 = b.4 = pin 10 MPU
	'LCD pin 12 = D5 = b.5 = pin 11 MPU
	'LCD pin 13 = D6 = b.6 = pin 12 MPU
	'LCD pin 14 = D7 = b.7 = pin 13 MPU
	'touch input c.0	Used for a source of variable input
'* Symbols ************************************************

	symbol LcdSE = c.6			'strobe data into display
	symbol LcdRS = c.7			'set low for instruction, high for character entry
	symbol LcdByte = b0			'data sent to LCD routines
	symbol j = b1				'scratch byte
	symbol blocs = b2			'full 5x8 block character
	symbol segs = b3			'number of vertical segments in last char
	symbol huns = b4			'hundreds digit in bintoascii
	symbol tens = b5			'tens digit in bintoascii
	symbol ones = b6			'ones digit in bintoascii
	symbol in = b7				'input to be displayed - normally would come from some outside
								'world sensor or calculation
'* Main Routine *******************************************

	EEPROM 0, (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,31,31,31,31,31,31,31,31)
	'This list of data creates five user defined characters that are called to make partially filled blocks
	'0=no lines, 1=one line, 2=two lines, 3=three lines, 4=four lines
	gosub LCD_Init				'get lcd ready
	LcdByte = 64				'move to user memory slot 0
	gosub LCD_WrIns
	for j = 0 to 63				'write the data to LCD user memory
	read j, LcdByte
	gosub LCD_WrChr				
	next j
	gosub LCD_init				're-initialize display - not sure this is needed
	lcdbyte = 128				'move to first line, first position
	gosub lcd_wrins
do								'for demo purpose this is simply looped continously 
	touch c.0, j				'get some data for testing
	j = j / 3					'scale it a bit
	in = j max 80				'make sure full scale is not exceeded (overflow messes up stuff)
		blocs = j / 5			'number of whole blocks to print
		segs = j // 5			'remainder gives segments in last block
		j = blocs 				'reuse j for counter
		lcdbyte = 128			'move to begining of first line
		gosub lcd_wrins
	do until j = 0				'test first, then print blocks if needed
		lcdbyte = 255			'255 prints a solid block of 5x8
		gosub lcd_wrchr
		dec j
		if segs > 0 then		'print partial block if needed
			lcdbyte = segs			
			gosub lcd_wrchr
		j = 17 - blocs  		'j is counter again, limiting number of characters to clear
	do until j = 0				'test first, then clear remaining spaces
		lcdbyte = 0				'prints a blank space
		gosub lcd_wrchr
		dec j
	lcdbyte = 192					'move to second line, first position
	gosub lcd_wrins
	bintoascii in, huns, tens, ones	'break down input number so it can be displayed
	lcdbyte = tens					'display tens
	gosub lcd_wrchr
	lcdbyte = ones					'display ones
	gosub lcd_wrchr


'* Initialise LCD *****************************************

	'set relevant pins to output
	dirsb = %11110000
	dirsc = %11000000
	low LcdRS
	low LcdSE

	'wait for LCD to stabilise (>40ms after Vcc > 2.7V)
	pause 100

	'send 00110000 three times to initialise LCD by instruction
	outpinsb = %00110000
	pause 1
	pulsout c.6,1000
	pause 1
	pulsout c.6,1000
	pause 1
	pulsout c.6,1000
	pause 1
	outpinsb = %00100000	'set to 4 bit mode
	pause 1
	pulsout c.6,1000
	LcdByte = %00101000 'set interface
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns
	LcdByte = %00001100 'enable display, no cursor
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns
	LcdByte = %00000001 'clear and home cursor
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns
	LcdByte = %00000110 'set cursor direction: movement
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns
'* Display Character On LCD *******************************


	high LcdRS	'set RS high (write data)
	pause 1
	outpinsb = LcdByte and %11110000
	pause 1
	pulsout LcdSE,1
	outpinsb = LcdByte * 16
	pause 1
	pulsout LcdSE,1

'* Send Instruction to LCD ********************************


	low LcdRS	'set RS low (write instruction)
	pause 1
	outpinsb = LcdByte and %11110000
	pause 1	
	pulsout LcdSE,1
	outpinsb = LcdByte * 16
	pause 1
	pulsout LcdSE,1
'* Clear LCD **********************************************


	LcdByte = 1
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns

'* Home Cursor  *******************************************


	LcdByte = 128
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns


'* Move To Line 1 *****************************************


	LcdByte = 128
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns


'* Move To Line 2 *****************************************


	LcdByte = 192
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns

'* Move To Line 3 *****************************************


	LcdByte = 148
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns


'* Move To Line 4 *****************************************


	LcdByte = 212
	pause 1
	gosub LCD_WrIns




Senior Member
Hi Geezer,

Whilst I have no immediate use for your code snippet, thanks a bunch for posting it. Will keep in mind, should the occasion arise. :)



Ex-Staff (retired)
Unfortunately, the characters on a typical display are about one segment pitch spaced apart, so the bar is broken up by these spaces. I don't think there is anything to be done about that. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
I don't think you will be as this is the way things are, the glass having no liquid crystal in the gap between character positions.

In my experience most people find the result acceptable even with the gaps. It's also not that different to the progress bar on Windows that was all blocks with gaps rather than a continuous bar.

You can also do the same in a vertical direction, allowing 16 rising and falling bar graphs like a graphic equaliser. To me they don't look as nice with a gap so I always stuck to using 8-pixel high bars.

Note there are some characters already defined for no bar (space) and usually the full 5x7 block character so they don't need to be CGRAM defined. That allows for four horizontal bar graphs on a 2 x 16 display. Can't remember if you can push that to six.


Senior Member
Hippy, you are right about only needing three special characters for the bar graph. I went ahead and made the five because it is easier to calculate which one to use. The specials are driven by the the mod 5 calculation; the result is the character number to use. X mod 5 = 0; print character 0, X mod 5 =3; print character 3.
