20x2 LED temperature 4 digit 7 segment Fahrenheit


Senior Member
Added this program for Hippy
so he can read temperature too !

Uses the ds18b20
will display the range 0.F Fahrenheit
257.F Fahrenheit
if outside this range displays FFFF

uses the owin command
but anyone should be able to use the convert code with readtemp12

notes: when first powered on will display 185.F (85.0c) until first read updates
when sensor unplugged will display 32.F (0.0c)

	'              -- --   -- --   -- --   -- --
	'B.0-A              | |             | |             Picake  20x2  ver C.0
	'B.2-C              | |             | |             marks
	'B.3-D         -- --   -- --           -- --
	'B.4-E        |             |       | |     
	'B.6-G        |             |       | |     
	'B.7-dp        -- --   -- --         o          
	'Display         1       2       3       4             
	'Common anode   C.3     C.2     C.1     c.0          
eeprom 0,(192,249,164,176,153,146,130,248,128,144,255)     'Display (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,blank)
let dirsb = %11111111
let dirsc = %00111111

owout c.7,%1001,($CC,$44)                           'reset(send skip rom ,send convert t)
 pinsb=142                                          'Display   FFFF if not within valid range  
owout c.7,%0001,($CC,$BE)                           'reset(send skip rom ,send read lsb msb)
owin c.7,%0000,(b2,b3)                              'read in result  Ds18b20

 IF W1 > 2000 AND W1 < 65250 THEN temp              ' skip if not within valid sensor range   0.F to 257.F
 IF W1> 65251 THEN                                     '   info 0.F - 32.F
 W1=-W1                                               '   info   ie  w1=10      Display   1.F
 ELSE                                                '   info 32.F - 257.F
 W1 = W1*9/8+320                                      '   info   ie  w1=2570    Display 257.F

  let dirsb = %11111111                             'restore b pins after read
for w15=1 to 400                                      'Temperaturedisplay time(6secs then updates)

b0=10  : if w1 < 1000 then dig1                             'Display1 zero blanking
let b0 = w1 dig 3
Dig1: read b0,b16	 	        
 	  let pinsb = b16 : low c.3 : pause 1 : high c.3      'Display1  temp
b0=10  : if w1 < 100  then dig2                             'Display2 zero blanking
let b0 = w1 dig 2	                                          
Dig2: read b0,b17                           
	  let pinsb = b17 : low c.2 : pause 1 : high c.2      'Display2  temp
let b0 = w1 dig 1	                                          
Dig3: read b0,b18  let b18=b18-128                          'Display3 d.p
	  let pinsb = b18 : low c.1 : pause 1 : high c.1      'Display3  temp	  
Dig4:   let pinsb = 142 : low c.0 : pause 1 : high c.0      'Display4  F

next w15
goto temp


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