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  1. D

    Verification error with wifi module programming

    This is a screen shot of the configuration program for the URF module. The following errors appear. sleep mode (ATSM err) flow control (ATFC err) Baud rate (ATBD err) From what I can gather the ERF module is currently running at 2400 baud rate. When I run data link the data comes back...
  2. D

    Verification error with wifi module programming

    I had a look at the ERF and URF configuration programs. I think that this is where the problem is. I ran the urf and erf configurations when I first got the URF and ERF modules. I think that I have destroyed the original programs inside the modules.
  3. D

    Verification error with wifi module programming

    Thanks for all who have looked at the issues involved. The comments have been encouraging and helpful. I tried the 4800 baud rate as suggested but the verification error continues. I took a screen shot of the terminal program running. The screen shows the picaxe program running and sending out...
  4. D

    Verification error with wifi module programming

    Thanks for that. I rewired without the stereo setup. The error still comes up. The transmit and receive signals appear to be getting through. Its as if the modules aren't speaking the right language to one another.
  5. D

    Verification error with wifi module programming

    I reworked the tx from the erf module and placed it on the serial in pin3 of the 18m2 chip. The verification error comes up during download.
  6. D

    Verification error with wifi module programming

    Attached is an image of the 018m2 connected to the erf module
  7. D

    Verification error with wifi module programming

    Any hints on how to overcome verification error when programming a picaxe? I can see that the program is going in and I can check the chip type but cant download a program onto an 08m and a 18m chip.