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  1. M

    RTC clock problem

    symbol seconds = b0 symbol mins = b1 symbol hour = b2 symbol day = b3 symbol date = b4 symbol month = b5 symbol year = b6 symbol control = b7 ; set PICAXE as master and DS1307 slave address hi2csetup i2cmaster, %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte main: ; Read the clock time ; readi2c 0,(b1,b2)...
  2. M

    RTC clock problem

    Hi, I've a problem whit 1307 RTC and my picaxe chip. I can read seconds, minutes and hours fron the clock and all work fine. But after some hours the communication stops. Seeing the code explorer variable, I see that all variables go to 255!!! How is it possible? Adding to this, all...