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  1. D

    inter-picaxe communication of DS1307 data

    Hello, The following code does not transmit the DS1307 RTC information correctly. With a few changes, (the pin # and display locations), I was able to display the clock data(Hours and minutes) on a serial LCD. Now I am trying to transmit the data to another picaxe, both 18m2+, without...
  2. D

    conditional 'and' statement and PE6.0.8.0 syntax error

    I have read that PE fixed a 'conditional and' bug but I'm still getting a syntax error on the following code. if b11 = 0 and b12 = 6 and b13 = 0 and b14 = 0 then switchon pinc.0 endif I can't download the code (from where I am now) to check it's...
  3. D

    Ds1307 rtc

    Hello, When using the following code, the display (a parallax serial lcd) will display the correct time for the first five seconds. The subsequent loops display irrelevant data. It might be cycling through dow/day/month/year once, but it does not display a recognizable pattern after the first...