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  1. P

    Xbox AV break out board

    HI Just here with a small project I have done to interface with an Xbox console to break out audio video signals. you can find a full write up on my github here: professor-jonny/Xbox-AVIP-mod: Xbox AVIP mod ( It includes a smd version of a picaxe with basic and flowchart...
  2. P

    picaxe in bga form ?

    I'm guessing I can't buy picaxe chips in bga fomat ?
  3. P

    Xbox AVIP break out system

    Program: project documentation pcb files bom etc... can be found here as I cant seem to attach all the files:
  4. P

    Xbox AVIP break out system

    I have designed an adaptor to solder over the Xbox AVIP connector to give you breakouts of the video and audio signals using U.FL IPX RF conectors. This project started as I have seen a few people dammage their xbox consoles by atempting vga and hdmi mods and this was a good solid solution and...
  5. P

    bug 6.080 beta

    This will make it easier to see pin b4 is switched to an input after it has been set high. because it is not being driven (green) after switching to an input it should be try stated and recieve no voltage (grey) it but it registeres the voltage (yellow) from the last output action as an input...
  6. P

    bug 6.080 beta

    So I have come across another bug. program attached In the attached program if I enable toggle mode it runs two cascading sub routines "button check" and "beep select" between output blocks . In one of the sub routines it runs: input B.3, B.4, B.5 But the output pins fail to switch to...
  7. P

    basic block in flow chart yes no output?

    Im asuming I have to use a variable or output pin to get a yes no output status from a basic function block? or can i use a goto cell number?
  8. P

    bug or not multiple AND conditions in IF statment?

    ok so here is some code but I have a problem with it during simulation if pin B.3 and B.5 are operated and pin 4 is not it jumps out of the loop why? is there another way of acomplishing this ? pause 1000 main: if pinB.3=1 AND pinB.4=1 AND pinB.5=1 then goto avpack_bypass end if goto...
  9. P

    digital audio output on picaxe

    I it possible to output digital audio on a picaxe? if i use a low sampling rate say 14khz and for spdif clock singal is 64 times the sampling it would be dooable with a picaxe running at 16mhz? I just want to be able to make a beep to indicate something is happening. has any one attempted...
  10. P

    switch input to output during running of picaxe or tri state output?

    This is the diagram of the circuit board I made and avip connector of the classic xbox The idea is that this quick solder board will fit over the pins of the av connector and will have ipex cables (laptop wifi style RG 316) to bring the signals up to an video converter or plugs fitted on the...
  11. P

    switch input to output during running of picaxe or tri state output?

    am I able to use an input to read a binary switch and if the switch is not in any position have it switch to an output to drive to a specific set position depending on the preset selected the picaxe after power up after a set time ? The problem I see if I have an output connected to an input it...
  12. P

    task simulation bug pixaxe editor

    Hi there I can't seem to get the simulation function to run any thing but the main task in the latest programming package. The main task runs and seems to do as it is supposed to with the blue markers spinning around showing program flow but not for aditional tasks I believe there is a bug...