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  1. W

    Changing HMC5883L default address EEEErrr!

    I am trying to change the default address of the HMC5883L, I am trying to change the eeprom at $00 which I understand holds the $3C default address. After numerous attempts and loads of coffee I have admitted to defeat. 'HMCL5883L Mag IC #picaxe 08M2 Setfreq m8 hi2csetup i2cmaster,$3C...
  2. W

    Comparing two data streams ?

    I will have two 8m2's each fed with data from their own HMC5883L. There will be front to back spacing of at least 12" between each unit. For my needs I am using the "Z" axis data. I wish to compare the data to null the normal background readings this should allow the front Mag ic to detect...
  3. W

    Help with Pulsin

    Could anyone explain what I am doing wrong, not getting the results I expect. The Picaxe programming editor simulator does not seem to work when the input values fore each input are altered, but the Generic input some times does...confused. The source of the inputs to the Picaxe are from a...
  4. W

    Hmc5883l gy-273

    I am in the middle of building an ROV and there is one feature I would like to add. I have a GY-273 3 axis magnetometer module that I would like to use to sense ferrous metal, ideally I would want the data as a changing tone perhaps via a VCO. This would be used to help find and retrieve lost...
  5. W

    Change range 80 - 200 to 50-255

    I have a variable that drives a servo (Throttle), that variable is also used to loosely show the position of the servo (Throttle position). The LED 10 Bar graph is fed with PWM via a 8.2k with a 4.7uf to ground into a LM3914. I could do with displaying the lower last two LEDs and the upper...
  6. W

    display variable on LED bar graph

    Hi, Could anyone point me to how I can display a variable on an LED bargraph. Depending on what is required I have two spare outputs on my 18m2 which is doing the throttle and gears control. The idea is to display the settings of a throttle driven by my Picaxe 18m2 through a servo the position...
  7. W

    button servo control

    Hi, What am I doing wrong? The servo does not respond to the program below. The button action works Ok but no effect on the servo. Servo goes to the park position OK !8m2 picaxe.. Throttle: b9= 100 'park position Throttle2: if pinB.1=0 then ' + Throttle input B.1...
  8. W

    Ok on Sim but not in the real world

    Hi, I wonder if anyone can enlighten me to a problem I have.. The Basic works or very nearly though the On_Off section is ignored, the program is OK looking for a drop in resistance and then goes straight to Off_On, On_Off is ignored even when Input 3 is still low. My intention was that the...
  9. W

    Best way to read 20-30vdc for adc

    Hi, I am a lot of a newbie and have a problem to solve. I intend to check an alternator o/p and want to read the DC voltage between 20v and 30v with an accuracy of a 1v change.. Certain operations would occur depending on the voltage at a sense rate every 2 or three seconds. ie switching...