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  1. J

    HPWM and servos on new 28X2

    I was wondering if HPWM and servos share the same timer on the new 18F25K22 28X2. I wanted to have an RGB led PWMed while using a couple servos. I was hoping to use the two new PWM pins for two colors and HPWM in single mode for the third color. Then I remembered the old shared timer issue...
  2. J

    servo and irin problems

    I've got a IR Rx strapped to a servo that I want to use to find an IR homing signal: symbol pos = b1 symbol ir_code = b2 init: servo 7,150 pause 250 ir_wide_scan2: let b3=1:debug:wait 3 for pos = 225 to 75 step -5 'increments servopos value let b3=2:debug:wait 3 servopos 7, pos 'starts...