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  1. P

    Spontaneous LCD Module Failure

    I recently bought a 'Budget Serial LCD Module' from the Picaxe Store, soldered it up nicely and was very pleased with its performace.. until now. It had been running with no problems whatsoever for at least 8 hours a day over the past 4 weeks or so, but after powering my project on today, the...
  2. P

    14M & 18X serin/serout not working?

    Hi all, I've got an 18X sending out some serial data with 'serout 7,N1200_4,("p")'. I then take output 7 of the chip and modulate an around-about-38kHz carrier with it, which drives an infrared LED. I've then got a standard 38kHz receiver which gives an inverted TTL input which I then pump...
  3. P

    Dynamic PNS pages to extend EEPROM's life?

    Hi. My local Radio Ham club is interested in putting temperature sensors at a repeater shack on a mountain to monitor the equipment there. I have been assigned to a team to look into ways of running a small web server to host pages displaying temperature information, as there is no PC on-site...
  4. P

    Need help with interfacing PICAXE with serial modem

    Hello all. I've been thinking a bit and I came up with the idea of interfacing a PICAXE with a serial modem, by feeding AT codes through the PIC's own serial pins to the modem's serial interface to make the modem dial, pick up etc, etc. I was just asking whether it is easily achieved. Thanks...
  5. P

    PWM Doesn't work correctly

    Hi, all. I've got the following code that is supposed to take in an ADC value from a potentiometer connected to pin 0 of my 14M and put-out a PWM signal to an LED (for testing purposes) accordingly. However, it works perfectly at low values, but when the potentiometer is turned right up, the LED...
  6. P

    Multiple Serial Connections to the same IC

    Hello. I've not done much with PICAXES and serial stuff. I was just wondering how you could connect two or three PICAXES and some computers together. I do know about qualifiers, so 'talking' to the right device wouldn't be a problem. The only thing I'm stuck with is the electrical part - maybe...
  7. P

    Using the PICAXE with Computers

    Hi. I know this may be slightly off-topic, but I'm interested in making my PICAXE interact with my computer using Visual Basic 2005, Q-BASIC (maybe), or Batch. It is, I know a more computer-related subject, but could I please have some help with writing a program that I can use to receive data...
  8. P

    Interfacing the Picaxe with Telephones

    Hello. I've had a 14M for a while just sitting around and doing nothing. I was wondering if there is a way to interface it with a telephone. For example use the telephone as a DTMF transmitter and have a Picaxe decode the signal and do something like move a remote camera or start the DVD...