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  1. T

    jumper config block the smart way

    i do not have any design so no parts selected jet but is thinking about how to make a jumper config block in the smartest way. So the thing is that i need to have a nunber of rows with jumpers there is allowing the end user to config it the way he like and for now this is 3 rows of 8 jumpers so...
  2. T

    PICAXE181 - Selfcalibrate touch sensor code

    First thanks for making the cool 18M2, just what i need for some projekts PICAXE181 Touch Sensor Demo I got this test board and it is working well, but just one thing missing that maybe will be a good idea if you some day need to change it. A small potmeter on a ADC input so you better can play...
  3. T

    .bas download as a DLL

    I can see that there is a small .exe file to download the .bas file to each picaxe version and to use them in the homemade program is simple to call them as a commandline tool... but to better interfacing with my .net app where i need to "firmware" update(donwload new .bas file) the device i...
  4. T

    GLIC-K will not work from PIC but okey from PC

    I got the LED042 LCD and the software, if i connect it to the serial port on the PC and use the windows software i can control the display and it is all working with all commands. But when i connect it to a PICAXE then it will not work and i have tryed a 18X, 40X2 and now a 08M. It is connect...
  5. T

    Serial port on power meter

    Hi forum First i am new to picaxe and trying to learn more about it. I can see in the docs that a icaxe can talk serial with other devices with settings as b2400 8n1 and so on, this power meter i got has a serial port there is using "baud 300 8 data bit Even 1 stop bit" and i can talk with it...