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  1. S

    Comparing EEPROM byte with a fixed variable byte

    Hi All; Using Logicator, I wish to read a serial value into eeprom and compare that stored byte with a fixed value. If true, goto routine - if false compare to next fixed value, etc. I can't see any command that would allow me to do this. I have looked in Logicator, FAQ and Binged with no luck...
  2. S

    serout text to LCD

    I want to 'serout' two separate texts to an LCD when one of two buttons are pressed. Is it more effiecient to load the required text into EEPROM and call the text out from there, or use peek and poke routine? I'm using a 08M (serout) to 18X (serin) to drive a standard 2x16 LCD. Anyone point me...
  3. S

    Paging system - which way to go?

    Hi all I'm starting a project where I have 8 rooms which require service attention. Using an RF link, a room push button signals to a central store which receives the room number requesting help on a single 7 segment display. There are many ways of achieving this simple task, but currently...