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  1. V

    HC-06 or HC-05 and Picaxe

    Has anyone attempted 2 way communication with these Bluetooth Devices? I am able to use my smart phone to communicate and pass values to a 14M2 picaxe connected to an HC-06 BT module. I'm also able to change Name, Pin#, and Buad of the Bluetooth Module thru a serial connection 14M2 ---> HC06...
  2. V

    LCD Display Picaxe 08M2 and 28X2

    Trying to use a serial enabled LCD with an 14M2 Picaxe, it works with the 28X2 why the difference? Any help would be greatly appreciated. ;This is the minimum amount of code that will enable the LCD-09395 to display "Warning Monday" if the picaxe is a 28X2. Great that works!!! ;However.... if I...