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    HD44780 Based LED Display: Scrolling Text False Start

    I have been experimenting with using a PICAXE for scrolling text on some HD44780 based LED displays of various sizes. The commands I talk about below are those for that device, not any PICAXE code. I first clear the display and home the cursor sending a 01 command to the display. Then I change...

    I2C Tutorial Datasheet Location

    The PICAXE Command Reference Manual states that, "Use of i2c parts is covered in more detail in the separate ‘i2c Tutorial’ datasheet." Anybody know where I can find this tutorial?

    Power Up Behavior, With/WO Programming Cable

    I have noticed something while doing some programming on an 08M2. I have an LCD display attached via a serial link, not using the PICAXE serial chip, and the display comes up normally when I make programming updates to the 08M2. But this morning and other mornings I have tried turning the chip...

    Request/Suggestion: Reformat Manuals to Allow Full Width Page Display

    The PICAXE manuals are published in Adobe Acrobat format. When I try to use them in Acrobat Reader they always default to a full page display. I do not have a super sized monitor and it is hard to read them in that display mode so I have to click to change them to "Width" mode or about 150% for...

    Output A Word as Serial Bits

    I am searching the past posts for a way to output a Word variable as a series of bits on one pin. I came across this post from 2007 that seems to be doing that, but I have a question about how it works. First the quote: Hippy, on 10/25/2005 said; "I haven't tested it, but the fastest way to...

    Question: Hippy's LCD Routine

    Hippy or anyone who understands his routine for parallel LCDs. The LCDs data sheets which I have read require an initialization routine that repeats the 8 bit mode command three times with time delays before each of them. The first requires the longest delay after power up, I guess to allow...

    Standard Commands for Serial LCD Displays

    I am working on a 18X / LCD combination to make my own serial LCD. It would be nice to conform with commercial serial displays so I am looking at some serial LCD data sheets to see if there are any standards in the command sets for them, but I an not sure I see any patterns except that most...

    Serial or I2C Interconnection

    My first PICAXEs have arrived and also my LCD display. My plan is to use a 18 to operate the LCD display and a 40 as my main code execution. So I need to connect them with at least a one way comm channel to send commands to the 18 for the display. I do not presently see any need for any...

    Question: Hippy's LCD Interfacing Page

    I'm a PICAXE beginner trying to learn here. I need to use a 2X20 display so I have downloaded Hippy's sheet on this subject. I also read the LCD section in the manual. My question is about the line READ get, byte in the InitializeLcd sub of Hippy's routine. As near as I can see...
  10. EPAIII

    Can I Change In/Out Designation of Pins in Program

    I'm new here: my first post. Also new to PICAXE. Just ordered a couple for experimenting and I am reading the manual. I have a fairly ambitious project for a starter and I'm trying to get the lay of the software/hardware land. Since my project will have several divices that require Ins and...