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  1. S

    Connecting two 18x's together

    I know I seen this post somewhere here, but I cannot find it. What is the easiest way to connect the 18x together? The main reason I'm doing this is because I have no more input/outputs available on my one 18x and I do have another 18x. Thanks
  2. S

    Help with VB Express Data Logging from a 18X

    I'm trying to get two different temperature readings (DS18B20) from my axe 18X to log the data to my PC using Visual Basic Express and input the data into Microsoft Excel. I was thinking about using Dr Acula's example at the Instructable web site, "Automate your science experiments". But I'm not...
  3. S

    18x 3 digit temp reading to LCD HD44780

    I'm using a picaxe 18x, LCD is HD44780 (20x4), and the temperature sensors are a DS18B20 Need help getting temperatures to read above 99°F on the LCD display. Here is a sample of my code: PowerOnReset: GOSUB InitialiseLcd GetTempReading...