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  1. M

    My first project

    I have made the schematic for a Countdown timer but I am not sure of a few things. All the stuff is at The problems I have had are : 1. I know the segment display has to be connected to 0V but I don't know what pin must be connected. 2. I...
  2. M

    555 and picaxe

    I may be stupid but I can't get my head around 555 chips and picaxe!!! Can someone explain it to me through PM or MSN (cheese_munger (at) hotmail (dot) com). Thanks in advance
  3. M

    Make variable equal first number of another variable

    I'm not sure there is away to do this but I'm going to ask anyway in case someone does knows how to do this. OK so lets say that w1 = 1029 How would I make b1 = the first number in w1 (which here is 3) then make b2 = the second number in w1 then make b3 = the third number in w1 then make b4 =...
  4. M

    More Outputs?

    How would I be able to get 25 outputs? I've thought about this, but I have no idea, there must be away to get this many outputs but I'm not intelligent enough to find it out.