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  1. B

    Older newbie needs helps wih alarm code

    After reading countless pages on this wonderful forum and asking for help, I have completed several simple projects. But now I stumble on a trivial problem with a solution I think so simple that I can't see it... I'm making an alarm system for a cottage on a remote location. Among other things...
  2. B

    Question pour PieM

    En réponse au message suivant: vous m'avez gentiment suggéré le programme suivant qui fonctionne très bien. SYMBOL ADCVALUE = W1 ;ASSIGN WORD 1 MAIN: HIGH 0 LOW 1 GOSUB boucle LOW 0 LOW 1 PWMOUT 2,OFF...
  3. B

    Aide codage PWM (08M, pont H avec relais)

    Salut à tous. J'ai déjà posté mon problème sur le forum principal anglophone mais je n'ai toujours pas de solution, ausi excusez la redondance: Je désire controler et la vitesse et la direction d'un moteur d'essuie-glaces 12 volts avec un...
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    2 SPDTrelays H-Bridge PWM help needed

    Hello everybody. I have limited experience with Picaxe and programmation so need help with this project. I need to control direction and speed of a 12 volt washer wiper motor, so I built this PICAXE 08M controled H-bridge with 2 relays activated by 2n7000 mosfets and PWM by P50N06L mosfet. All...
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    12 volts voltage regulation with Picaxe?

    First let me say that before discovering this site I knew absolutely nothing about microcontrolers, but after reading and reading the so many informative posts, I have now completed several simple Picaxe projects. Thanks all. Now the question: I have a VTT with heated grips that I control the...