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  1. C

    AXE110 with clock chip - what is the fastest sample rate?

    I'm thinking of getting the AXE110 with the DS1307 click chip. Despite looking through the data and searching this forum, I can't find what is the maximum sample rate that this can support, assuming I wish to sample all four inputs. Does anyone have any experience of this, either with the wizard...
  2. C

    Help with compiler syntax

    I'm using the linux compiler for the 18X device and having trouble understanding some errors it gives me: 1) A program containing the following: symbol sdi = 5 ' 9852 serial data in (on sdio pin) low sdi out_32: For b13 = 0 To 15 ; shift out MS 16 bits sdi = bit15 ; from...
  3. C

    Strange behaviour with my first 28X1

    As my first picaxe project, I'm building up a fairly simple box to drive a CNC stepper motor controller - it has push buttons and some switches and its job is to generate variable speed pulses with appropriate enables, direction signals etc. I have a 900MHz laptop, Windows XP, and the AXE027 USB...