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  1. D

    'setint' doesn't simulate in 08M2 mode

    I've started playing around with latest Programme editor 5.4.0 and I've come unstuck on the 'setint' command. the simple programme is below symbol sw_1=C.1 symbol sw_2=C.2 symbol sw_3=C.3 symbol sw_4=C.4 setint %00000010,%00000010 'check pinC.1 for high main: pause 2000 goto main...
  2. D

    serin syntax error using timeout feature

    I want to use the timeout feature of 28x2 but I keep getting syntax error on the serin command. I can't see that anything is wrong. the typed command is as follows serin 200,start,7,n2400,b12,b13 can anyone help please?
  3. D

    Flowchart Bugs in V4.1.4

    I've noticed if a gosub block is put on the drawing area it will snap onto the previous block but once you allocted the sub routine name to it the snap function is lost. The simulation says not connected. If the snap is turn off all is ok. The other bug is the conversion of a flowchart with...