serial in and serial out pins

Fred Smith

New Member

I am new and was trying to learn more about PICs. Picaxe calls out a pin as serial in and another as serial out. I do not find these pins on any datasheets. Are these the same as TX (serial out) and RX as serial in?


Senior Member
The serial out and serial in pins are used as the prgramming interface between your computer and the chip itself. It is the way in which you download a program to the chip. The pins won't be called serial in and serial out on the raw PIC datasheets from Microchip.

The serial out pin can also be used to transmit data from the chip back to your computer using the SERTXD command.

Details on how to construct the programming interface can be found in the "Getting Started" guide, pages 17-22, depending on the actual PICAXE chip you are using.

EDIT: sp.

<b><i>ylp88 </b> </i>

Edited by - ylp88 on 05/05/2007 06:24:16