Recent content by mch

  1. M

    Low Cost Wireless Options

    Hello. I've been looking for low cost wireless options - 802.11, not RF, for pushing data to a server from sensors. Most solutions seem to be in the >$50 range, which is far more than I'd like to pay (esp. considering that cheap USB adapters can be found for <$10.). I've found the WizFi210 -...
  2. M

    Problem with DS18B20 and data verification errors

    Sorry for the delay - Here is my test code: main: low 0 pause 1000 high 0 readtemp C.0, b1 debug pause 1000 goto main I'm not sure how to draw the circuit, I'm really only taking the USB proto board and adding in the ds18b20 sensor and the 4k7 resister. I've...
  3. M

    Problem with DS18B20 and data verification errors

    I'm very new to picaxe and having some basic problems. I'm using the picaxe USB protoboard setup from Peter Anderson in the US (, so it has a 20M2 and a USB interface (which provides 5V power and a serial connection). With the board alone, I can...