Recent content by djbillyd007

  1. D


    I know this is off topic. I have been playing with programming a 12f683 with gcbasic. I still love picaxe (maybe even more now :) ) just trying to learn about the actual chips. I know some of u program actual pics. I got it to do eveything from output on, to pwm, to serial out. For some reason I...
  2. D


    Is there anywhere in the US, or the world for that matter, where I can get picaxe 8m in smd. What I am doing is building a n scale DCC decoder. it is non NMRA, but works. I have used it in large form ( big pcb strapped to little locomotive ). I tried using kic chips hex, downloaded to SMD, but...
  3. D

    New Model railroad forum

    This may not be the place to post this if not please remove. I have started a new forum dealing with Model railroad Electronics. Included is a section on microcontrollers. I am sure many here would have some input.
  4. D

    Another Newbie LCD Question

    I was given this LCD and would like to connect it to a picaxe I don't have a clue what exactly I need. What each of the pins on this thing are would be of great help. Thanks in advance.
  5. D

    parts selection question

    I have a solar circuit I am playing with. What I am doing is charging a 10000 microfarad capacitor to x volts. Then firing a reed relay. The reed relay then fires a solenoid. The picaxe is used to check the voltage on the cap and control timing. I am trying to get rid of the reed relay and use a...
  6. D

    picaxe for railroad throttle

    Hi all. This is my first post here. I am a model railroader. I am startng a new project. Controlling a model train with a PC. I have used the picaxe for several projects and love them. What i am basically trying to do is build a picaxe controlled variable power supply. 0-15 Vdc. I would rather...