Recent content by ckoehn

  1. C

    20x2 and FVR

    I need a FVR on the 20x2 also and seen this post from Hippy. How would I go about doing this? Later, Clint
  2. C

    Decimal Math

    I was browsing the forum tonight and came upon this post. Hippy is right it is a rounding error. Here would be the way to correct this. '77 * 1.476 no need to go over 3 decimal places w0=77 w1=w0*1 w1=w0*4+5/10+w1 w1=w0*7+50/100+w1 w1=w0*6+500/1000+w1 Later, Clint
  3. C

    32bit / 16 bit

    I don't know if this the proper place to post this, but here goes. I was needing a variable which could be up to 32 bits divided by a 16 bit number. I found this post but it would take "forever" to calculate. I came up with this...
  4. C


    The manual says: I am using a 20X2, so if I only need hserin, I could not use C.0 as control for a relay, right? I need all the pins I can get. Thanks, Clint
  5. C

    MIN problem

    I have a 40X2 with a 8Mhz resonator. Firmware B.1. The following code does not seem to work. readadc10 2,w10 w10=w10-207 MIN 0 * 10/17 'when w10=0 I receive 3733 instead of 0 What am I doing wrong? Clint
  6. C

    Serin/Serout 40X2

    Is it possible to use serin/serout at 9600 or some out rate with a 40X2 running at 40Mhz (10Mhz resonator)? Thanks, Clint
  7. C

    Integer Math

    Is it possible to turn a formula like this into integer math? temp=12.7551 + 116.873/(0.755955 + 0.00054418*x) + 6.17956/(0.0209221 + 0.00054418*x) - 0.000994293*x This is a formula for a 2252 NTC thermistor. Shove in the resistance and it spits out the temp.
  8. C

    Readadc10 unstable

    I am using a 40X2 and am using VREF+ set to around 150mv. I am using a 100K with a 2k pot to simulate a mv reading up to 96mv. All the readings are stable going into the 40X2. I also am using the enhanced download circuit since I am using the ADC. The adc readings are fluctuating way to...
  9. C

    20X2 Voltage Reference

    I am using a 20X2 to read a sensor that puts out a reading from 0 - 100 mv. I have used an op-amp before but I thought that the 20X2 would work using the vref ability. Running the code below it acts as though the vref is still 5v. I get 0-18 on the terminal window. What am I doing wrong...