Recent content by bryanl

  1. B

    Touch, I2C, and hardware interupts

    The setup is an AXE401 with a tiny RTC board with a ds1307 (that has pullups on it) and A Grand PICAXE Clock Exercise. The clock square wave output is connected to B.0 to provide a 1 second interupt frequency. I am using ADC1 to monitor the 12v supply with a 10k/4.7k voltage divider. The...
  2. B

    addressing individual pins: low/high vs let pin =

    When trying to set a gaggle of pins, different ways seem to require different nomenclature. Low/High appear to require pin names such as "C.3" while assignments require something like "Let outpinB.1 = 0" -- "let B.1=0" won't work and 'high outpinB.1' also seems to generate a syntax error. It...