Recent content by Amnesia67

  1. A

    Utilisation simultanée I²C et "let pins =..."

    Bonjour, A votre avis, à partir du moment où j'emploie la commande "hi2csetup", les pins dédiés à la communication I²C sont-ils réservés? Ma question étant: que se passe-t-il si j'utilise dans la suite du programme la commande "LET PINSx = %........." pour communiquer en 4 bits avec un...
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    Sequential switch & source selector

    Hi! I've been there a few weeks ago with a project of sequential switch for my audio installation. I've finished it today, after 5 month of work :D. Now, no need to turn on one by one the source, audio processor, active filter, volume controller and the two amplifiers, in a defined order! I...
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    Short circuit in a Picaxe chip?

    Hello, I'm French, so excuse my bad english:o. I'm actually building my first electronic project, with two Picaxe 28X1. It's a sequential interrupter and source selector for a Hi-Fi installation. It worked well for 3 or 4 weeks, but yesterday a Picaxe became warm and the programm run as I was...