Recent content by 68gt500

  1. 6

    Digital Compass QMC5883L vs. HMC5883L aka GY-271 Infos & more questions

    While waiting for my new RTC module to arrive and having had first I2C success reading it, I ventured a step further.. I hooked up my new Compass Module GY-273 which was supposed to be a HMC5883L Since i found some code on the Net I figured - piece of cake - set the adress, read in the...
  2. 6

    Garbled output RTC

    Hello, I need some help - again. Struggling with the Tiny RTC Module. I got as far as setting the time, and i can actualy read and display it on the Oled. Most of the code I snipped out of the several posts here. Problem now is that the Time (Hour, Min, Sec) sporadically jump back & forth...
  3. 6

    I think I fried my OLED ... help diagnosing the cause & find a fix.

    after realizing, that I need a lot to learn (see my post "help an old fart Rallye Meter") I have been doing much more basic stuff and really enjoying it. I have built a car Info center set that displays temperature via DS18B20 sensors, car battery voltage and RTC via DS1307. So far so good. A...
  4. 6

    Please help an old fart - Rallye Tripmeter

    Hello all, I am 60 years old and doing my first picaxe projects. I do have some basic electronics knowledge, some (probably outdated BASIC experience..) and the drive to learn "new" stuff. This project is a Rallye Meter - with several electromechanical counters (10m). I am using a 20m2 -...