Faults in current software package


New Member
Hi there,

I recently downloaded the current PIC programming software, and I have come across two bugs.

Firstly, when one installs to a directory other than 'Programming Editor' (I chose to put it in 'PICAXE Programming Editor') the 'Programming Editor' folder is still created, and several files are copied into it (Specifically, firmware.txt, /music/, and /net/). Tweaking the installer would put the files in the right place.

Second, on running the serial pic programmer software, I was told the serial port was busy and I should close the program using it etc. even though there was no such program. I eventually traced the fault back to picprog.ini - the programmer softare's saved settings. The first section was [SerialPort] SerialPort=3 - I do not have a COM3, or a programmer on it. I edited the line to SerialPort=1 and ran the program, and it started and detected my programmer.

Suggested action: either (a) Edit the ini file in the installer to point to COM1 (a port most people will have) as a default or (b) rework the software to say 'select a serial port' if saved port is not availiable. Note that (a), while much easier, might cause problems for users who are using thier COM1 for something else.