LinAXEPad Find>Replace problem


Senior Member
Apologies if this isn't new - I did try to find any previous report of it using advanced search... but some threads have a huge number of pages.

In LinAXEPad, if I click Edit-->Find-->Replace, the Find dialog pops up allowing me to replace one piece of text with another. All works fine.

HOWEVER, if I have previously cut or copied any text at all, I can't then get the Find dialog to come up again. All that happens when I click Edit-->Find-->Replace is that it does Edit-->Paste!

In fact, once I've done a Find-replace, I can't then do another - it just pastes in the replace text from my previous attempt.

The work-around is to save, close LinAXEPad re-open the file. Replace then works again (once!)

Ubuntu 10.04, Kernel 2.26.32-40-generic, GNOME 2.30.2
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I've just LinAXEpad on PCLinux and I have exactly the same error as you with find and replace.

And I also have an alternative solution.

It appears that the programs for PicAXE are just ASCII text with CRLF linefeeds (windows style).
The linefeeds are not required and to verify I wrote the same program in LinAXEpad and vi, result no difference, both work.

However you are not confined to using Vi you can use your favourite editor, gedit, kwrite, emacs
and save your program with extension .bas (extensions not required in linux, but possibly
required in linaxepad).

After writing your program, you can still use LinAXEpad to transfer it to the chip.

Unix style line feeds will shorted the file size (on your computer) but length of program to the PicAXE will
remain the same .

Here's the output of the file command:

[anc@orac AXE18]$ file 7seg.bas
7seg.bas: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators

The file below was wrote in vi:
[anc@orac AXE18]$ file 7seg1.bas
7seg1.bas: ASCII text

File size difference is 26bytes, so not much difference and it wont
make any difference to the PicAXE

[anc@orac AXE18]$ ls -l
total 2
-rw-r--r-- 1 anc anc 647 Apr 23 21:29 7seg1.bas
-rw-rw-r-- 1 anc anc 673 Apr 23 14:15 7seg.bas