My first robot


Senior Member
At last, my first Picaxe project. Many thanks to all on this forum that helped me get to this point.

It is based on a 28x1, an L293D motor chip, a homebrew IR and a servo mounted SRF005 which is seriously under-used.

In one of the brief discussions on the forum, it was asked “why a 28x, an 08 would do” I felt I needed lots of inputs / outputs to play with, my coding capability being very noobie.

Here is my code 1st attempt. Very over commented.

' output pin 0 =
' output pin 1 =	Servo
' output pin 2 =	Peizo
' output pin 3 =	Sonic out
' output pin 4 =	Motor A+
' output pin 5 =	Motor A-
' output pin 6 =	Motor B+
' output pin 7 =	Motor B=
' Input pin 0 =	IR1 left
' Input pin 1 =	IR2 right
' Input pin 2 =
' Input pin 3 =
' Input pin 4 =
' Input pin 5 =
' Input pin 6 =	echo pulse in
' Input pin 7 =

' ADC 1 =	  =	LDR 
' ADC 2 = 
' ADC 3 = 


symbol range = w1	'word variable for range value
symbol trig = 3	'sonic pulse out
symbol echo = 6 	'received sonic pulse

servo 1,150		'set servo ahead

high 4,6
low 5,7		'both forward
gosub ir		'check side clearances
gosub ping		'check obstacles
goto main

''''''''''''''   Use ultrasonic detect forwaed   '''''''''''''''''''''''

pulsout trig,2 		‘ produce 20uS trigger pulse (must be minimum of 10uS)
pulsin echo,1,range 	‘ measures the range in 10uS steps
pause 10 			‘ recharge period after ranging completes
				‘ now convert range to cm (divide by 5.8) or inches (divide by 14.8)
				‘ as picaxe cannot use 5.8, multiply by 10 then divide by 58 instead
let range = range * 10 / 58 ‘ multiply by 10 then divide by 58

if range < 20 then gosub right

'''''''''''''''''  Check L & R for clearance   '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

if pin0 = 1 then gosub right
if pin1 = 1 then gosub left


'''''''''''''''   motor controls. Always backup before turn   '''''''''''''''
gosub back	'short reverse
high 4,7
low 5,6	' spin right
pause 100

gosub back	'short reverse
low 4,7
high 5,6	' spin left
pause 100

low 4,6
high 5,7	' reverse
gosub buzz
pause 100

''''''''''''''''''  make sound ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


let b0 = b0 + 1 ‘ increment b0
sound 7,(b0,50) ‘ make a sound


'low 4,6
'low 5,7	' stop
'pause 5000
I would appreciate some critical comments / suggestions how to do it better.

How on earth could this go to an 08? I am using four pins for motor control. That don’t leave a lot for other jobs. I want to try speed control next by PWMing the motor chip enables, another pin. Of board CD4xxx chips, although easily implemented defeat the object.

Lastly, the SRF isn’t really used. I can scan the field, record the blips, even decide where the biggest is – servo angle and distance. How do I use this information? I think I need to delve into wheel code disks and revolution counting . How far do I turn etc


Senior Member
Robots &amp; things....

Hi Russbow,
Nice to hear about your robot/buggy, it would have been even nicer if you could have included a picture or schematic. I too am working on my first Buggy-bot, See my resent post. It's up and running, just added an IR detector for the rear end, hope to add Ultrasonics for the front. It runs on a 18X Picaxe with an L293 for the motor control, LED turn indicators and sound.
If I can help or even if you can help me give us a shout.