

New Member
Yes, there is no support from Rev Ed for the Mac, but I've found their software has worked fine for me on my PowerBook (Mac OS X 10.3) with Virtual PC.
quote Technical: "We only support the Windows environment."

That is such a pity! You have created an easy-to-use-pic-programmer. Why not take the second step to reach an even bigger audience by creating a programm for an easy-to-use-system like the Mac OS? The two would fit perfectly together. The hardware is not a problem.
(Note the OS-requirements at the bottom of the item-article.)



New Member
Would it be possible to create a command line tool for Mac OS X and Linux? If you use ANSI C/C++ for your current tools core functions you could use gcc which is avaiable free for both OS X and linux (Mac xcode uses gcc) to create a core function command line tool. I and Others could create a GUI application for our platform to give the command line tool a GUI. For example I could create one in REALbasic for Windows, Macintosh, Linux all at once.


Senior Member
Command line function, huh? I know a few of us must be smiling now - we've been chasing one for a while now, in the Windows environment, though.

<b><i>ylp88 </b> </i>


Technical Support
Staff member
A command line function already exists for commercial, pre-approved applications. Please contact us directly for details.